




Manuela Gernedel






*1982, Bad Ischl, Austria



studied at Glasgow School of Art (BA),

AdbK Munich, and Chelsea College of Art in London(MA).




Past exhibitions (selection)


Outrageous Fortune, Focal Point Gallery, Southend-on-Sea

Ich dachte man darf alles, ZK Max, Munich

YesWay, with Morag Keil, autoitalia, London

Elegant wie Kaffee und Birnen, Galerie Seiler, Muenchen

Everything must go, with Morag Keil, Limazulu, London

Kiss of Life, Glue Factory, with the fINN Collective, as part of Glasgow international Festival of Visual Arts, april 2010/

ourtv (series 2 ) , swg3, Glasgow, may/june 2010

84, exhibion, with Fiona MacKay and Morag Keil, Wilkinson gallery, march-may2010/

21st century, Chisenhale Gallery London /

17th resident of Caribic Residency Hamburg/

ourtv 'series 1', at Unsere Gaeste, Lothringer13, Munich/

84 paintings, Wiels project, Brussels/

Purpeling (curated by Lucy Stein) at Gimpel Fils, London / Mermaids Vs. Unicorns (curated by Byron Coley and Jo Robertson) at i20 Gallery, NYC /

Concrete Gallery at Wilkinson Gallery, London / No Capri for old Men, Venice Beach, L.A / Grosse Malerei Ausstellung, Lothringer 13 , Munich /

Poesie, Praxis Hank und ich, Grasser 1, Munich / St.Mungo and me,Lightbox gallery, L.A. / SIM Residency, Reykjavik, Iceland /

The Saw Show, with the Finn collective, Saw Factory, Glasgow / Panorama, curation and orchestration of art show at the old Jail, Glasgow






OURTV, with Morag Keil, INFO


Arts teacher at The Gate arts club , West London


BOXCODAX, music band, myspace , INFO


member of FINN Collective with Bobby Niven, Rory Middleton, Anna McCarthy and Nick McCarthy, INFO